
"I had a box of diamond jewellery that I never wore. Mark created a wonderful new diamond ring, using these old diamonds. I love my ring and am now wearing my diamonds with pride. Great job Mark."

"I recently had a bespoke engagement ring designed and made by Mark. Every step of the consultation Mark was helpful and knowledgeable in all aspects of design and manufacturing. He made real on paper what was in my imagination. The end result was beyond expectations, he created a unique ring which was greatly appreciated by my fiancée. For anyone who wants to create a unique piece of jewellery I could not recommend Mark and his design skills highly enough."

"On several occasions I have wanted to give members of my family a special piece of jewellery to mark a special event. Each time I have asked Mark to come up with something far beyond my own imagination and without exception he has produced the most creative and beautiful presents. I would say besides the delivery of fabulous work, he is great fun to work with and always helps me solve my gift problems. It is my honour to recommend him as a rather exceptional colleague and a friend."

"Using Mark's expertise and knowledge, he guided me in the design and manufacturing of the engagement ring which filled me with confidence. The end product was exceptional and tremendously high in quality which gave my now fiancé, no choice but to say yes. I couldn’t recommend Mark and his services highly enough and will most definitely be a repeat customer."

"Helen was delighted with her bangle, as with all the jewellery Mark has designed for us. Great job. Thank you."

"From outset to completion the support and knowledge Mark gave me was outstanding. Not only was the finished product exactly what he promised to deliver but I will be continuing to use Mark with all future bespoke commissions."

"Jewellery is the most personal personal and unique solution for any person expressing himself. To entrust the process of creating such a personal and unique object is possible only to the master who is able to understand and convey all the soul and personality qualities of the customer. Time has shown that Mark Walker is a master who, like no one else, can penetrate into experiences of the client and transfer them to paper, metal and stones."


"Our latest Mark project took 25 years in the making and culminated in a beautiful stylish high polish platinum band featuring 17 fabulous round brilliant cut diamonds weighing in at just under 3 carat. An engraving on the inside of the band sent love from all the family.  My jeweller came up with the perfect gift. Thanks, Mark."